• العربيةُ
  • English
  • Qatar
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Bahrain
  • Kuwait
  • Oman
  • Saudi Arabia
  • United States




1. Do I need an account to place an order?
No, you can also place an order as a guest. However, there are some privileges if you have an account with us:

Quick checkout
Easily view the status and history of your orders
Receive updates on new releases and special promotions

2. What payment methods do you accept?
We accept cash on delivery. When this payment method is selected, the recipient is obligated to pay for the shipment upon delivery, not by credit card.
Accepted terms and payment methods may vary depending on the payment terms in the purchase agreement and may allow for cash or electronic payment.


3. How can I set my shipping address?
Since our website and service rely on the English language, all information you enter should be in English, including punctuation. If certain messages from your address contain non-English characters, it is recommended to use equivalent English characters instead. For example, you can change the message "؟" to "j".


4. Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?
Please note that your shipping address cannot be revised after the order has been processed or shipped. Please update your shipping address to your residential address instead of your filled address as we do not know the duration it will take for the customs department at the destination to receive the package.


5. How long does shipping take and how can I track my package?
The delivery time depends on the shipping option you chose. Once the order is shipped, we will email you the tracking number and tracking site. We are not responsible for any delays caused by the customs department in your country.


6. What should I do if I have missing items in my order?
If there is something still missing, please contact us immediately at service@blendeed.com.


If you have any further questions, please contact us directly at service@blendeed.com.